2022 Financial Blogs
Our corner of the web is dedicated to money and sharing our knowledge and experiences to help you make better money (and education) decisions. This is the information we wished we had when we were making important decisions.

5 Money Mistakes the Financially Literate Never Make by Lakeisha Rolle
When it comes to financial decisions we all have different ways we handle money. Ranging from skillful grace, that is a sight to behold, to failure of epic proportions. The last part is extreme I know but if we do not take how we handle our money seriously we can end up with that description being true too because of our bad habits. Being financially literate is becoming popular in this season, especially due to the financial issues most find themselves in at this time. Here are 5 Money Mistakes that the financially literate avoids.

Three Things to Do to Repair Your Credit Report by Kelly Fowler
Credit, aka creditworthiness, is your ability to borrow and repay. It refers to the trust that a party has in your ability to pay your bills in a timely manner. Your credit score is one measure by which your financial health is evaluated. Your credit report is your financial history, which your credit score reflects. It is a record of your debts and bill payments. If your credit appears to be damaged, here are three things you can do to repair it.

Five Pillars of Financial Literacy that You Must Learn by Kelly Fowler
If you want to be financially stable and build lasting wealth, you must become financially literate; this means you must understand and speak the language of money. There are five pillars of financial literacy that you MUST learn. They are budgeting, debt elimination, saving, investing, and how to choose financial products.

Seven Reasons People Stay in Debt by Kelly Fowler
Financial debt is any amount of money borrowed or owed. In a debt arrangement, the borrower is obligated to repay the sum borrowed at a later date, usually at a cost, which is called the interest. Individuals enter into debt for a variety of reasons. However, few repay their debts in a timely manner. As of September 2020, The Bahamas had $2.1 billion in consumer debt outstanding and $123 million of that debt is listed as past due. Why do some people neglect paying off debt? The reasons range from lack of cash flow and know-how, to societal pressure and lack of self-control. This article will explore seven reasons why people stay in debt.